Medically Vulnerable Care Coordination Project (MVCCP)

The Medically Vulnerable Care Coordination Project (MVCCP) of Kern County is a research- driven project that provides care coordination services for infants and children ages 0-5 years. Services are provided to infants and children with social or medical complexities, who are at risk for costly, lifelong medical and developmental issues.


  • Ensure high- risk children receive appropriate care and services.
  • Assist patients and their families to navigate the healthcare system.
  • Assist in the establishment of health insurance coverage and a medical “home” for all children.
  • Serve as an essential link between families, providers, and resources to sustain a system of effective care coordination.
  • Enhance the overall efficiency of provider systems, programs, and resources for an improved health care system in Kern County.


Serving children in Kern County, ages 0-5 years, with at least one of the following conditions:

  • Premature (≤ 37 weeks)
  • Low birth weight (≤ 5.5 lbs.)
  • Received care in NICU
  • 1+ conditions requiring long-term care
  • Lack of health insurance
  • Additional support needed due to medical, developmental, family, or socioeconomic issues


For more information or referrals, please contact:

Harli Smith, BSN, RN, PHN
MVCCP Care Coordinator
Phone: 661.868.0334
Fax: 661.868.1291

MVCCP Referral

Did you Know?

  • The preterm birth rate in 2021 was 10.5% (United States), 9.1% (California), and 9.6% (Kern County).
  • In California, nearly one in seven children are estimated to have special health care needs.
  • In California, 1 in 4 children under the age of six are at a moderate- to- high risk for developmental, behavioral, or social delays.